How Often Does A Personal Injury Case Actually Go To Court?

January 28, 2022

Hey everybody, this is Andy Rosenberg and I’m here to help with your personal injury matters and questions that I get from my clients involving when we go to trial or we file a lawsuit.  The question is how often does it actually go to the trial itself and the answer to that is not very often.

In general, as a general rule i’d say 95% to 98% of the cases that actually get a lawsuit filed never get to the courthouse steps. Between the filing of the
lawsuit and all the discovery, the mediation and getting to the courthouse that’s all that processes before you get to the courthouse steps. Actually 95% to 97% of the time will settle, so I hope that answers your question.

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Have You Been Injured Due To The Negligence Of Others?

If you’ve been injured in Florida due to negligence you need to speak to an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Coral Springs office directly at 954.755.7803 to schedule your free consultation. We proudly serve Florida residents including all of Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton Miami-Dade County, Broward County, Palm Beach County and all points in between.

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